The goal of this training is to protect the safety and well-being of workers who work in environments with high temperatures. The course covers the causes and effects of heat stress, the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses, risk assessment and prevention techniques in detail. The training is intended for use in any workplace where heat is a possible danger and it provides participants with a practical grasp of the types of control measures that can be adopted to limit the health risks connected with heat hazards in the workplace.


One Day (02:00 Hours)


This Course is designed for workers, supervisors and managers exposed to the heath stress. It will give basic awareness to delegates by providing a guideline regarding legislative requirements, management of heat stress, effects and control measures of exposure to temperature extremes.

Intended for:

individuals involved in outdoor activities especially and exposed to direct heat.

Aims & Objectives:

Delegates will learn the basic concept of heat stress, its effects, and control measures to prevent incidents such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat stress. At the completion of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the role and responsibilities of the Employer, Employees, and other stakeholders.
  • Understand the hazard of being exposed to heat and its control measures.
  • Understand the basic

Course Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Current UAE regulations and safety legislation
  • Company safety policies and procedures
  • Role of Employer, Employees and Managers
  • Supervisors role
  • Workplace Management
  • Effects of Heat and its Understanding
    o Heat Stroke
    o Heat Exhaustion
    o Heat Stress
    o Dehydration
    o Muscle Cramps
    o Lack of Concentration
  • Method of safe outdoor activities
  • Importance of heat stress management
  • Control Measures

Assessment Criteria:

Theoretical assessment to evaluate the familiarity of the candidates with the requirements/ procedures.


Maximum allowed candidates per batch is 10 – 12 Candidates



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